Hoverstar Flight Technology Inc.
Hoverstar Flight Technology Inc began in Shenzhen China with its inventor and his vision for innovative recreation and rescue technologies. Since 2015, Hoverstar and its team of committed developers have secured over 20 patented designs with applications for land, sea and air. With our extensive line of exclusive products ranging from the single user recreation H2, to our all new Hoverstar 9-1-1 rescue series we are paving the way to a new era. At Hoverstar we are confident you will find something for everyone!
As flight technology has proven itself time and time again over the years, our founders dream collided with creativity and a new machine was born. Ladies and gentelmen, boy and girls, please welcome Hoverstars bedrock founding development, the H1.
The development of Hoverstar H1 was and still is the bedrock spring board of our newer more innovative H series products! The Hoverstar H1 is defined as an individual miniature hovercraft and its primary application, amphibious land vehicle.